Security Systems Technician Apprentice / Construction Electrician Apprentice – Weiny Nong

Security Systems Technician Apprentice / Construction Electrician Apprentice – Weiny Nong

Trade: Security Systems Technician Apprentice / Construction Electrician Apprentice
Employer: Pacificom Integration
Location: White Rock, BC

A good attitude. Strong listening skills. The ability to take direction.

Three ways Parve Mohsenipour, foreman with Pacificom Integrations, describes Pacificom’s Security Systems Technician/Construction Electrician Apprentice, Weiny Nong.

“She’s always trying to step ahead of the task she’s assigned to. She stays ahead of the game,” says Parve.

Weiny’s work ethic and dedication could be attributed to the fact that she knows what she wants. She wanted a career in the trades. She worked hard to get there, and she plans to work even harder while she’s here.

“For myself, I knew I wanted to get into the trades. I was very specific about what I wanted to get into,” says Weiny. “I got exactly what I was looking for with STEP – my case was very specific. My STEP REPS was amazing. He helped me through a lot. I was able to touch up my resume and find an employer that has my needs and I have what they need.”

The case was unique, so STEP’s Regional Employment Placement Specialist (REPS) Kyle worked with his connections to find the right fit. Weiny knew her path would be in the electrical trade. Coming from Ontario, Weiny had completed an electrical training course years before, but had never had the opportunity to work in the trade.

“That can make it difficult to find work in a competitive trade, and electrical is the most competitive,” says Kyle. “The other issue was her out-of-province training was not ITA accredited. This meant it may or may not count for a Level 1 of the technical training.”

Weiny Nong working as Security Systems Technician Apprentice for Pacificom Integration in British Columbia

Kyle had been in touch with Pacificom Integration weeks before meeting Weiny. He knew they were looking to hire but struggling to fill positions for the security/data & communications team. This shortage of hires had increased the starting wages and Kyle knew it was a good opportunity.

“Security Systems Technician is an ITA recognized trade. SST/data & communications are similar to the electrical trade. They have a lot of overlapping training. I had a good feeling about it, so I asked Weiny if she was interested and she was,” says Kyle.

Pacificom Integration welcomed the opportunity to sponsor Weiny as a Security Systems Technician Apprentice while also sharing her work with the electrical division when needed.

“This would allow her to learn both trades,” says Kyle. And learning both trades keeps Weiny busy and driven – just the way she likes it.

“It’s a combination of using your brains and the physicality of it. You’re learning something new every day. There’s no shortage of work, let’s say that. It’s exciting. It’s something that drives me to be a better worker,” says Weiny.

It wasn’t long before Pacificom Integration sponsored Weiny as a Construction Electrician Apprentice too.

Weiny is thankful to STEP for finding the opportunity with Pacificom Integration and setting her up for success with the right Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and tools to ensure she was job-ready from day one.

When giving guidance to others, Weiny has three pieces of advice: “Thanks to STEP, I was able to hit the ground running with Pacificom and here I am. I’m doing what I wanted to do. I would tell others: Do your best. You’re smarter than you know. Don’t be afraid to take the first step.”

Welder – Crystine Czerwinski
Apprentice Sheet Metal Worker – Aaron Smith

Welder – Crystine Czerwinski

Welder – Crystine Czerwinski

Trade: Welder
Employer: Max Ignatiuk, IGN Systems 
Location: Mission, BC

Crystine found welding online.

“I had kids and by the time I was 23, I had decided that I really just needed to pick something. I went online to the UFV website and looked at all the trades. Welding looked like the most fun. I’d never done it before, I’d never seen it done. I just decided that’s what I was going to do.”

She took a chance, made the decision to become a welder and stuck with it. That decision has guided her to a welding career that she loves, in the town she calls home, with her kids 8 minutes down the road from her workshop.

“As a mom, and I’m also the primary provider for my children, it was really important for me to find a job that was understanding and would be a really good fit. I do have to take care of my kids sometimes. Max is so great about the family stuff. He lets me make up the time and he knows I’m dedicated to the job.”

Crystine’s journey from school to welding at IGN Systems had a lot to do with STEP and her STEP Regional Employment Placement Specialist, Isabel. From resume writing to interview skills and financial support for equipment, “Isabel really just set me up for success,” says Crystine.

“Isabel from STEP showed me a lot of improvements on that. Just really selling my skills. I don’t like to talk about myself very much, so when you’re writing a resume sometimes it’s hard to be like ‘Yeah! I’m so fantastic, I’m so great!’ Isabel just showed me how to sell myself.”

STEP helped prepare Crystine for her job search and interviews. Isabel also helped find Crystine the job with Max at IGN Systems.

“She’s the one who set me up with this job. I would have never known that this was here. Max doesn’t really put out there when he needs welders so Isabel is actually the one who put me in touch with Max and this job.”

Crystine Czerwinski welding at IGN Systems in British Columbia

Moving into a new career can bring a lot of unknowns. Crystine had her concerns. “My biggest fear when looking for work was not finding something stable. I do have that extra worry about taking care of my kids and providing for them. Isabel finding me this welding job was just a godsend, really.”

As for the future, Isabel is still helping Crystine. Crystine has plans to one day get her B pressure ticket and become a journeyperson, but she’s not rushing anything.

“For now I’m just focused on doing a good job here and providing for my kids.”

As for recommending others to STEP?

“Oh, 100 per cent, I tell everyone that they need to go through STEP. I wouldn’t have found this job if it wasn’t for them and I love it here so I want everyone to go through the STEP program.”

Apprentice Sheet Metal Worker – Aaron Smith

Apprentice Joiner – Charles Edmonds

Apprentice Joiner – Charles Edmonds

Trade: Apprentice Joiner
Location: Sidney, BC

“One of the best things about being a joiner is that every day is completely different. It’s everything from pulling out windows to scraping and sanding a teak deck to repairing a priceless piece of art,” says Charles Edmonds, an apprentice joiner at Philbrook’s Boatyard on Vancouver Island.

Charles connected with his joiner apprenticeship through STEP.

“The joiner work is weeks of planning and preparation, making templates and milling timber – and then all of a sudden it’s all done and in place – and it looks glorious. That feeling is what drives me to be a tradesman. It’s seeing something all the way through to completion; a wonderful feeling to use your hands and bring something into the world.”

After running his own business doing woodworking and carpentry for several years, Charles found himself losing interest. “I was working for myself and that’s a hard go; you need to find a niche,” notes Charles. “I wasn’t enjoying it too much anymore. I was starting to resent the work because of the administrative stresses.”

Charles chose to move on from his business and found himself in the midst of a frustrating job hunt, not sure where to go next. His existing abilities set him apart from the pack, and some lucky timing presented an opportunity. STEP was contacted by Philbrook’s Boatyard: they were seeking a woodworker with a high level of skill and training who lived in the area. Charles’ name came up when STEP reached out to Camosun College as part of their search.

Charles Edmonds in his joiner apprenticeship in British Columbia.

“It was the perfect thing at the perfect moment,” says Charles, with the smile on his face saying a great deal. “Someone came and said ‘There’s a joiner job… are you interested?’. And yes, I was.”

Charles describes the process as seamless.

STEP was able to connect Charles with the job opportunity, arranging an interview at Philbrooks. When he was hired, STEP supplied work boots and a set of tools which Charles (then unemployed) would have had a hard time purchasing.” It was no strings attached. That was the greatest thing. It’s such a relief, too. When you are looking for a job or a career, it’s a nervous time. You’re not quite sure; it’s all very uncertain. Then suddenly – something is available.”

“This didn’t cost me anything. It put things into my pocket, which was great.”

Charles is about halfway through his apprenticeship, and has set his eye on a Red Seal ticket, which he hopes to complete entirely through Philbrook’s Boatyard.

“First and foremost is to finish the apprenticeship. I really want to see that through to the end. Philbrook’s gets a few more years of high-quality work at the very least, and if things go well I could be here for the rest of my life. And if not? I’ve taken a big step forward towards what I want to do, and there are lots of other options for someone with a ticket.”


Apprentice Sheet Metal Worker – Aaron Smith
Welder – Crystine Czerwinski

Apprentice Sheet Metal Worker – Aaron Smith

Apprentice Sheet Metal Worker – Aaron Smith

Trade: Apprentice Sheet Metal Worker
Location: Vancouver Island, BC

After some good-natured heckling from his co-workers about ‘getting ready for his close-up’, we set off to talk with Aaron, to find out more about his experience with STEP and his new career path as a sheet metal worker.

It’s clear from the warm smile on his face and his positive energy that Aaron likes his work as a first year apprentice sheet metal worker. “It’s interesting. And it’s challenging, which I really enjoy. Each day seems to bring something different – I like it, and I think it’s going to be a good career move.”

Aaron is part of a six-person crew, arriving on site at 7 am to begin each day. He says he is pleasantly surprised by how much of his work requires close collaboration with the other trades on the job site, he nevertheless is happy to be in the sheet metal trade.

“I like working with my hands, being able to build things. Before I started here, I was working with a small construction company as a general labourer. Before that, I was installing office furniture in government buildings. I wanted to get into the trades and onto a better career path, and sheet metal worker was high up on my list… so I’m really happy to be doing this.”

Pausing for a minute to brush some site dirt off his pant leg, Aaron reflects on the role STEP has played for him.

I was at the point where I knew I wasn’t going to go any further at my other jobs. STEP made it possible for me to give it a shot, to try to improve my situation. STEP is there to help and it’s absolutely a tool that you can use to help you achieve your goals.

Aaron is a husband and father with two young daughters at home. He says that responsibility continues to be a big part of his motivation for developing his skills and improving his earning potential.

Apprentice Sheet Metal Worker Aaron Smith in British Columbia

Aaron has a plan and knows what’s in front of him. Aaron isn’t the only family member pleased with the change. He tells us his wife is very supportive, though the first year has put some financial strains on their household. “She can see that I enjoy my job, and that in the long run it’s definitely going to pay off.”

“I think it’s going to provide a much better life for both of my girls. That’s something I’m really excited about as well.”

“My ultimate goal is to become a journeyman, which should take me approximately four years,” explains Aaron. “At that point I’ll be able to make a good living doing this, and I already know I enjoy the job.”

The ultimate test of how much you really like something is whether you’re willing to recommend it to others, and when we ask Aaron if he’s comfortable recommending STEP he doesn’t hesitate.

“Yes. I’ve already recommended STEP to a friend of mine. It’s a great program. It’s been a tremendous experience and I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to make a change and improve their life,” says Aaron.

When asked if he has any special advice, Aaron doesn’t sugar coat.

“It’s so tough to take that first step, to just really put yourself out there,” he admits. “So my advice is to give it a shot. It’s gonna be hard. But it’s totally worth it. STEP is here to help and it’s something I’m very grateful for.”

We had to let Aaron get back to work. Watching him enter the job site and crunch over a hill of gravel in his steel-toed boots, more than one of us – preparing to head back to our office cubicles – was wondering if maybe the trades might be right for us too.


Apprentice Joiner – Charles Edmonds