STEP is a signatory of the Builders Code for an Acceptable Workplace.
We adhere to the principles of a workplace where all employees are able to work together without causing harm. One that is free from discrimination, hazing, harassment and bullying, from the worksite to the boardroom. 

We know that employing workers with different attributes, backgrounds, experiences, and skills is a benefit to BC’s construction employers. 

  • We encourage employers to hire based on skill and experience and compensate all employees at fair market value regardless of gender, race, religion, or ethnicity.
  • We encourage employers to identify and remove barriers to training and career development; creating equitable opportunities for all employees.
  • We encourage employers to ensure the health, safety and well-being of everyone on the worksite by providing a work environment free from discrimination, harassment, hazing, and bullying.
  • We promote education, awareness and training on the Acceptable Worksite behaviour that positively impacts BC’s construction industry, its employers and its workforce.
  • We pledge to continuously back up our commitment through our actions, without compromise. 

Useful Links

Discover BCCA’s Builders Code

Sign the Pledge for an Acceptable Worksite 

Explore Builders Code training for employees and employers 

Access free Builders Code resources 

Know a BC construction company that demonstrates a commitment to the psychological health and safety of everyone on their teams? Who works to ensure all employees can reach their full potential without fear of discrimination, hazing, bullying or harassment? Who demonstrates their commitment, leadership, and action towards a diverse workforce?
Nominate them for a Builders Code Champion Award today!  

Builders Code Toolkit
Don't be a tool

STEP and Builders Code are
managed by the BC Construction Association.