SOPHIE, First Year Apprentice, Plumbing and Pipe Fitting

“As a hard working, single mother in my 40’s, I finally had the opportunity to start a new career in trades. While attending the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Foundations course at Okanagan College in Penticton, I met Susan Bitz and learned about the Skilled Trades Employment Program. I almost couldn’t believe that such a great integration program existed!

After completing the course it was difficult, despite my research, to find employment as a first year apprentice. The STEP program, especially Susan Bitz and Allan Pusey, were a tremendous help and support; not only with employment but also financial support desperately needed to purchase tools. The STEP program and their dedicated ever so supportive team, have made my introduction into the trades a wonderful and welcoming experience. I am working now for a great company and I am equipped with my own tools, learning and loving every minute of it!

Thank you very much STEP, Susan and Allan for making the beginning of my new career a success already. I am most appreciative.”

Sophie Apprentice Plumbing and Pipe fitting testimonial